What I Want To Say To You:
Unlock Your Potential: The Transformative Journey of Dig Deeper
Every man reaches a point where the glory days of peak physical fitness start to feel like a distant memory. The weekend warrior runs a little slower, the dad bod becomes the norm, and the ex-athlete sighs at old trophies. But what if you could turn back the clock, not just to look good but to feel unstoppable? That’s where Shaun T’s “Dig Deeper” program comes in, a 12-week game-changer designed to redefine what you thought was possible for your body and mind.
My Experience Says:
Twelve weeks ago, I embarked on a challenge that promised to reshape not just my body, but also my approach to health and fitness; to create better habits and patterns at the same time build on current ones. Shaun T’s “Dig Deeper” program isn’t a quick fix; it’s a comprehensive plan designed for you, the one’s that are ready to reclaim their fitness, redefine their limits, and rediscover what it means to be strong. Here’s how I tackled the three phases of the program and what I learned along the way.
My Mindset was to gain experience and to stay commitment to getting healthier, not stressed or become overwhelmed. I was focused, consistent and held the mantra: “Do what is required, not your best” I kept it simple and executed the plan day to day, nothing more.
My Workout Approach For Each Phase
Week 1: Collect Data
Week 2: Learn
Week 3: Apply
Week 4: Test & Challenge
My Nutrition Approach:
Month 1: Eat in Surplus
Month 2: Eat in Maintenance
Month 3: Eat to Fuel Workouts

What You Need To Know
What Are My KEY Take Aways?
– Make a choice: build muscle or burn fat: you can not do both for all 12 weeks.
– A monthly nutrition plan is a must if you have specific goals
– Success is directly related to your focus, commitment and consistency
– There will be tough days, how you handle them are a choice you will make
– You must be willing to challenge yourself to lift heavier, not every day, week to week, Fitness is not linear
– Not all of your results at the completion of any fitness program with stick around . You will lose some of your results
– Protein Intake will be more then you normally eat. You will need to focus on it You are more then likely not eating enough
– You can do this program all at the gym or at home
– When I was hungry I ate protein, When I was tired I ate carbs
– There is no cardio or focus on mobility & flexibility
– This is a body building and physique program. Dig Deeper is a phase in your health not a 12 month program
– There is more then enough VOLUME built in to get results
– There comes a point that support and a community can energize you when you are grinding
– Results & Success are dependent on you doing what os required not doing your best
– Supplements are key, there are none paired with this plan – ask me about what I used.
Get Started On Your Results
Why You Should Consider Dig Deeper and joining my support community
If you’re a former athlete, a weekend warrior, or a dad looking to improve your health and fitness, this program could be what you need to get back on track. It’s not just about shedding a dad bod; it’s about gaining the strength, confidence, and energy to be the best version of yourself.
Get Started with Me
Ready to take the first step towards a stronger, healthier you? Join our community today. Let’s leverage the strength in numbers to keep each other motivated and accountable. The journey to better health doesn’t need to be walked alone. Join our program now, and let’s push forward together. Your commitment today is the first step to a healthier tomorrow.