It’s got to start somewhere and someday.
It starts this week.
It starts today.
It’s starts with a cast on.
It’s starts smaller weights.
It starts with mobility.
It starts with feeling weak.
It starts with being out of shape.
It starts with feeling tight.
It starts with self judgement.
It starts with inability.
It starts with frustration.
It starts…
It starts by being focused
It starts by showing up.
It starts when you get out your way.
It starts when you believe in yourself.
It has to start in order to get better.
For me: it starts today – welcome back to doing some strength training, core and mobility.
I have had sooooooo many messages of do upper body.
I’d just like to clarify. Workouts are TRAMA to the body, not a participant muscle but to the body. I did not need additional stress on my body as it repaired.
A body at rest has its highest ability to repair. I was resting, recovering and repairing. Also my ankle required constant elevation to to reduce swelling, chance of infection and heal quicker. ANY workouts would not have allowed for this.
The goal was to comeback to be bigger, stronger, faster and champion life over and over- not win at proving I was the fastest at recovering or tough enough to push through and workout while with a cast – those things are check points not the destination.
For now it will be all functional movements for upper body strength and core.
It starts when you start.
It continues as you show up.
You are start too, you can even join me if you need my support, lord knows I probably could use yours.